Watch and Listen

The usual questions writers are asked are,

  1. Where do you get your ideas?
  2. How do you find a publisher?

This week I shall answer question 1. Where do the ideas come from. Simple answer – no idea.

More complex answer – anywhere and everywhere.

Ideas don’t come by sitting in front of a computer screen or blank sheet of paper. Ideas come from being out there, listening and watching.

Isn’t there a name for people like that, I hear you say? Well yes but that’s mainly if you’re stalking the same person. Sitting in a café, on a bus, or in a park casually observing the world around you not so much.

It’s a good excuse to go for coffee and cake. You can tell everyone you’re working. And I’m fairly sure that cake while you work has no calories.

I recall listening to a conversation while I was waiting with my husband in A&E. It was fascinating – people forget that the curtains, while obscuring the view, don’t stop noise. I have to admit to being disappointed when they found a bed for my husband. I’ll never know how things turned out.

Seriously, if you want your characters to sound like a human and act like a human, get out there, watch and listen to humans.

#scifi, #scifistories, #horror’ #horrorstories, #coronabooks, #waterdragonpublishing, #paperangel, #comiccon, #

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